Starting From their Initial Design Concepts - Hookah Project

Plastic injection molding service-Starting From their Initial Design Concepts – Hookah Project

We met this project at the end of 2020, a customer selling hookah asked if we could make plastic molded with soft surfaces, we called this effect silicone oil spraying. 

We sent samples with silicone oil spraying for the customer’s confirmation and received their initial design. Identifying impractical elements like excessive thickness and heavy metal parts unsuitable for injection molding, we faced initial resistance to change. Undeterred, we collaborated to enhance the design, aligning with their philosophy, product assembly, and usage environment. Since 2020, we’ve iterated on CNC prototypes to continually refine the product.

Finally, in March 2021, the customer wholeheartedly endorsed the design. This marked the initiation of mold production for the complete sets. The product takes the market by storm, selling very well and leaving a lasting imprint on the success chart.

The three on the left of the above picture are the base part of the product, a plastic piece over-molding stainless steel part. The red part on the far right is the body. We originally considered the two parts of ultrasonic welding to achieve the waterproof effect. Because the base was too heavy, the main body and the base part were broken during the transportation process, so we communicated with the customer to change the design to a screw locking scheme and added a silicone gasket on the base to achieve a waterproof effect.
The processes involved in this project include plastic over-molding metal parts, soft plastic over-molding hard plastic, screw assembly, hardware, and other accessories assembly, surface spray primer and silicone oil, LOGO silk screen, etc. Because the product was very successful, the customer was very satisfied and finally decided to put the production of assembly and packaging on our side for processing.

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Hinweis: Aus Gründen der Vertraulichkeit und gemäß den Bedingungen einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung (NDA) mit unserem Kunden wurden die Produktlogos weggelassen.

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Wenn Sie eine großartige Idee haben, können wir Ihnen helfen, sie zum Leben zu erwecken. Wir haben das schon einmal getan und genießen es, während der gesamten Produkterstellung Partner zu werden. Von der Beratung während des Beschaffungsprozesses für die Form bis hin zur Lieferung Ihres neuen Produkts an Kunden möchten wir mit Ihnen bei jedem Schritt zusammenarbeiten.

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Unsere Stärke liegt in unserer Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit. Wir kombinieren unsere Erfahrung mit Ihren Ideen, um Produkte zu schaffen, die einen Schritt in die Zukunft machen.

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Unsere Vision ist es, nicht nur Produkte zu liefern, die die Erwartungen der Kunden übertreffen, sondern ihnen auch zu helfen, Kosten zu senken, indem wir mit ihnen im Bereich des Formdesigns zusammenarbeiten. 

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