Provide total manufacturing solutions for IMD and IML products

The steps of the IML (In-Mold Labeling) process are as follows:

First, prepare the film labels pre-printed with white characters and die-cut them into the required shape.

Then, place the film labels in the designated position of the injection mold and inject molten plastic.

During the curing process, the plastic tightly bonds with the label, embedding it securely into the surface of the plastic product.

Once molded, the product’s surface will have the label embedded.

Here below are some other plastic parts example with IML labels that we made for your reference:(Click the below picture to learn more technicals)

IML reference sample

As shown in the image below,  the product uses the IML process with a matte surface finish.  (Click the below picture to learn more technicals)

IML with a matte surface

The process steps for IMD technology (In-Mold Decoration) are as follows:

Prepare the substrate

Print the pattern

Apply a protective layer

Heat press forming



Here below is the product using the IMD process with a shiny surface finish for your reference. (Click the below picture to learn more technicals)

IMD technology

Please get in touch with us at, to provide you our total manufacturing solutions for IMD and IML products.

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Unsere Vision ist es, nicht nur Produkte zu liefern, die die Erwartungen der Kunden übertreffen, sondern ihnen auch zu helfen, Kosten zu senken, indem wir mit ihnen im Bereich des Formdesigns zusammenarbeiten. 

Pünktliche Lieferung 

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