plastic Injection Molding


The Differences Between Zinc Alloy Die Casting and Aluminum Alloy Die Casting and Their Respective Advantages

One, Overview Die casting is a metal casting process in which molten metal is pressed into a mold and cooled to solidify into the desired shape of a part. Among the two metals, zinc alloy and aluminum alloy are commonly…

اقرأ المزيدThe Differences Between Zinc Alloy Die Casting and Aluminum Alloy Die Casting and Their Respective Advantages

Precision Mold with Multi-Slide Structure: A Game-Changer in Manufacturing

In the world of precision manufacturing, mold-making is a cornerstone that supports numerous industries, including automotive, electronics, medical devices, and consumer goods. As products become more complex, so do the molds that are required to create them. One of the…

اقرأ المزيدPrecision Mold with Multi-Slide Structure: A Game-Changer in Manufacturing

Optimizing Injection Molding Processes for Flame-Retardant Plastic: Strategies to Mitigate Defects and Enhance Product Quality

In a recent project, we faced a challenging task: producing a plastic electronic control box for an appliance. During production, we encountered an injection molding defect that required multiple stages of adjustment to resolve. While the process was complex, it…

اقرأ المزيدOptimizing Injection Molding Processes for Flame-Retardant Plastic: Strategies to Mitigate Defects and Enhance Product Quality

The Role of Polishing in Injection Molding: Manual vs. Machine Polishing

Injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process for producing high-quality plastic parts. A critical part of ensuring the success of this process is polishing. Polishing impacts the final appearance, durability, and functionality of the molded parts, making it an…

اقرأ المزيدThe Role of Polishing in Injection Molding: Manual vs. Machine Polishing

Low Cost to Make Your Plastic Products Look and Feel Amazing: The Secret of Surface Finishing

Surface finishing is a critical step in the manufacturing of plastic products, impacting not only the appearance but also the performance and functionality of the final product. At RiLong Precision Mold Co., Limited, with over 30 years of experience in…

اقرأ المزيدLow Cost to Make Your Plastic Products Look and Feel Amazing: The Secret of Surface Finishing

From Concept to Completion: Your Full-Service Product Development Partner

Need to turn your concept into reality? Submit your concepts, prototypes, or CAD files, and we’ll handle the rest—design refinement, prototyping, and final production. With extensive experience in diverse projects, we ensure solutions tailored to your unique requirements. 80% of…

اقرأ المزيدFrom Concept to Completion: Your Full-Service Product Development Partner

هل تحتاج إلى أجزاء مصبوبة بالحقن عالية الجودة؟

إذا كان لديك فكرة رائعة، يمكننا مساعدتك على تحقيقها. لقد قمنا بذلك من قبل ونستمتع بأن نصبح شركاء طوال عملية إنشاء المنتج. من تقديم النصيحة لك خلال عملية الحصول على القالب إلى تسليم منتجك الجديد للعملاء، نريد العمل معك في كل خطوة على الطريق.

السعي الدائم للتحسين

قوتنا هي مرونتنا وقدرتنا على التكيف. نحن نجمع بين تجربتنا وأفكارك لطرح منتجات تتقدم خطوة نحو المستقبل.

جودة الإنتاج الخالية من العيوب

رؤيتنا ليست فقط تقديم منتجات تفوق توقعات العملاء ولكن أيضًا مساعدتهم على خفض التكاليف من خلال العمل معهم في مجال تصميم القوالب. 

تسليم الطلبات في الوقت المحدد 

نرغب في ضمان استلام العملاء للبضائع بدقة وإكمال التسليم في أقصر وقت ممكن.